NEM Developer Kit for Go

NEM blockchain is a peer to peer platform and it provides services like payments, messaging, asset making, and naming system. NEM uses cryptocurrency XEM for its transactions. Unlike popular blockchains that use proof-of-work or proof-of-stake algorithms, NEM uses proof-of-importance (POI).
NEM Developer Kit for Golang is availalbe to download in Github now:
The features available in this release includes the following:
Get account data from account address
Get account data from public key
Gets the AccountMetaDataPair of an array of accounts
Get Incoming transactions.
Get Outgoing transactions.
Gets the array of transactions for which an account is the sender or receiver and which have not yet been included in a block.
Gets all transactions of an account.
Gets the AccountMetaDataPair of an account from a certain block.
Gets the AccountMetaDataPair of an array of accounts from an historical height.
Gets an array of mosaic objects for a given account address.
Gets an array of mosaic definition objects for a given account address.
Gets mosaics definitions of a namespace or sub-namespace.
Get mosaic Supply.
Gets an array of namespace objects for a given account address.
Get harvested blocks.
Starts harvesting.
Stop harvesting.
Apostille audit.
Get chain height.
Get the current last block of the chain.
Get information about the maximum number of allowed harvesters and how many harvesters are already using the node.
Gets the AccountMetaDataPair of the account for which the given account is the delegate account.
This release supports the following types of transactions:
  • Simple transactions.
  • Mosaic transactions.
  • Create mosaic.
  • Create namespace.
  • Apostille create.
  • Multi-signature transactions. 
Other functions availabe include the following:
  • Create private keys.
  • Create key pairs.
  • Extract public key from key pair.
  • Verify a signature.
  • Convert public key to an address.
  • Verify address validity.
  • Verify if address is from given network.
$ go get -u